Honeymoon Fund
Delighting in the gift of love

The Honeymoon has a rich cultural history as a practice of deepening matrimonial bonding. As the name suggests, the Honeymoon traditionally involved the newlywed couple delighting in the sweetness of their love (“honey”) for an uninterrupted lunar cycle (“moon”) following their wedding ceremony. Although we won’t be able to follow this precise interpretation, we do hope to intentionally observe this cultural custom through planning a trip focused on savoring and cultivating the gift of our love. We believe that setting this time apart to intentionally immerse ourselves in the romance and depth of our sacred union will ultimately support us to anchor and sustain the matrimonial bond over time.
We hope to honor this tradition through embarking on a Honeymoon ceremony, likely in Spring 2024, that can support us to intentionally tend the seeds of deepened love between us. Your contributions will help make this possible for us, through granting us the opportunity to momentarily step away from the everyday demands of our lives and work responsibilities in order to savor the sweet nectar of this sacred union. From this palpable field of shared devotion, we believe we can return from our journey sourced with an ever greater commitment to one another and our life work in service to the great turning of our times.
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Important Note! After a donation submission the confirmation page may have trouble loading which has lead some to submit a donation a second time. If the conformation page does not load please do not submit your donation again as the donation in all likelyhood was successful. If you would like to confirm you can email us at alia.hayden.love@gmail.com sorry for the inconvience we are trying to get the issue resolved.